Fat Dissolving Injections

Fat Dissolving Injections

Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections

Injectable Fat Removal

Aqualyx is administered by qualified professionals.

Aqualyx is effective for the following areas where fat tends to be more stubborn: the chin, jowls, upper arms, armpits, waist, hips, love handles, behind the neck (buffalo humps), male chest (pseudo-gynecomastia), bra fat, above the knees and the inner/outer thighs.

Aqualyx uses an ingredient called desoxycholan-acid, a secondary bile acid. This acid destroys fat cells and the fat cell residue is then removed from the body by metabolism, converting the fatty acids to energy to reduce the targeted excess fat, it minimises localised areas of stubborn fat.

Two to three treatments are recommended, with 6-week intervals for successful results alongside a healthy and balanced diet and exercise.

  • Targets stubborn fat
  • Treats many areas of the body
  • No scarring, minimal downtime
Procedure duration30-60 mins
Recovery time1-2 Days
Local anaestheticOptional


Book Fat Dissolving Injections Price: From £250 on offer for £199 per area

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